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Fra boken :
(Boken er kanalisert, men
forfatteren - Phillys Schlemmer - hevder også å ha hatt
kontakter (astralt/fysisk?) til utenomjordiske.
Angivelser her av f.eks.
s10, henviser til side ti i boken. En annen person fra Israel - URI
GELLER - hadde også kontakt til samme gruppe av DE NI - slik det
fortelles i boken URI GELLER av ANDRIJA PUHARICH). Personlig tror jeg
dog ikke at jorden er den eneste kloden med valg - det ville være helt
ulogisk - og ikke i tråd med andre kilder. Rø-anm.
- Gruppen av de ni - rådet av de ni - har vært i tjeneste for
- Har vært ved Jorden og overvåket de siste 34.000 år
- Representerer universets ni prinsipper - ni chakraer - ni eteriske
- I hebraiske skrifter kalles de elohimer
- Kollektivt var de i ett
- Kan ta fysiske kropper når det er nødvendig s10
- Usynlig tilstede og observerer( s10)
- "Vi er i balanse, i senter, dypest sett finnes ei ondt eller
godt" (s13)
- Det er 24 ledende sivilisasjoner i galaksen - de eldre - en av dem
er HOOVA, som er en fysisk, men utviklet sivilisasjon. Fysiske i
andre dimensjoner, med kollektiv bevissthet
- I blant inkarnerer det vesener fra disse til Jorden, og de har
vært her for å stabilisere og hjelpe.
- Det er sivilisasjoner fra forskjellige dimensjoner, med
forskjellig intelligens og utvikling som arbeider under de tjuefire
- 24. Disse har nådd stadier av perfeksjon, enhet med Altet -
- De "narres" ikke av den fysiske verden som kun består
av bevegelser
- De lever på et nivå der det fysiske er i harmoni med det
- De har utstyr til å skanne menneskets tanker og åndelige nivå,
men misbruker aldri denne informasjon. De kan også gjøre dette på
det åndelige nivå - sjelsnivået.
- Det menneskelige språk er meget begrenset for å overføre
avansert informasjon (s40)
- S55: menneskeheten utviklet seg ikke fra dyrene i jordisk stoff -
kun en gruppe utviklet seg selv - de andre er mikset utenfra.
- S56: Det finnes også negative planeter i Pleiadene.
- S59: Det er nå tolv grupper som kommer til Jorden for å forske i
miljøet, men ikke alle er velmente
- S60: Om USA's hemmeligholdelse av utenomjordisk informasjon, Bob
Lazar | more on him etc - av frykt samarbeider de amerikanske myndigheter med
andre, bl.a. Russland på høyeste hold. (se også side 62.)
- S63: den amerikanske presidenten hadde tidligere kontroll og
innsikt i det utenomjordiske samarbeide - men dette er ikke lenger
- S64: i 1976 var det tett på en inngripen fra de 24 - for de
negative romfolk hadde planer om å erobre Jorden med makt. De 24
kunne ha bekjempet de negative med motmakt, men dette ville ha
betydd frykt, forurensninger og ødeleggelser på Jorden
- S65: stormaktene har begynt å samarbeide i felles front mot
- S66: dersom Jorden var truet ville de 24 ha grepet inn - men for
øvrig er Jordens menneskehet enda for mye i frykt for romfolk
- (S67) - handler om Jordens negativitet, og hjelperenes oppgaver.
- Jordens tetthet er som en myr som man fanges i
- (S68) om UFO-landinger: først ville visse stråler - bølger
løse opp for menneskenes frykt
- (S69) - katastrofer er ikke nødvendig dersom mennesket har
klarhet og forståelse. Bønn kan mildne katastrofene !
- (S70): menneskeheten kommer ikke videre uten hjelp utenfra
Mennesket som
"kosmisk gartner"
- Mennesket sår planter i sin hage, noen blir sterkere og bekjemper
de andre, men allmakten blander seg ikke inn i den frie viljen på
Jorden (eller i "hagen")
- De sådde frø kan til slutt gå til kamp mot de som sådde dem.
Sivilisasjonen Hoova:
- Det var denne sivilisasjonen som opprinnelig sådde Jorden (i følge
Meier's kontakter til Semjase, skjedde dette fra Lyrensystemet - det
samme sies gjennom lyssa holt som jeg føler er rimelig logisk og
balansert - og muligvis er denne planeten Hoova en etterkommer fra
den eldgamle Lyranske kolonisering av galaksen.Muligvis er navnet
Hoova en omskriving av Thiaoouba som hadde en 9dagers kontakt til en
australier for ca 16år siden, og i DEN informsjonen gis det en
detaljert forklaring til hvordan den sorte og gule rase koloniserte
jorden. Se link til norsk
omtale og linken åpnes i eget vindu. rø-anm). Også
andre var med på dette, men Hoova gjensådden Jorden ved tre
- Jødene stammer fra Hoova (en ny antydning på at denne er en
Lyransk kolonisert sivilisasjon - ettersom en fraksjon av lyranerne/pleiaderne
hadde særlig kontakt til forfedrene til det som i dag kalles
- De brakte fram Nasareeren/Jesus/Immannuel. Se også side 73
- Denne Hoova er en fysisk sivilisasjon, men ikke i Jordens
dimensjon (- det samme sier ERRANERNE
om sin egen planet - den er
noe avvikende fra det som vi her på jorden oppfatter som
"fysisk" som også kun er en særlig atomar frekvens.Her nyere info fra Erra)
- De - Hoova - har visse fysiske begrensninger, men ikke slik som
på Jorden
- Deres fysiske dimensjon er slik at den er 56 ganger
"raskere" en Jordens, den er dog usynlige for oss i vår
normale sansefrekvens, men opplever seg selv som fysiske.
- De ser ut som jordmennesker når de besøker Jorden, men er noe
- De planlegger å lande i fysiske fartøyer (s 40)
- Den har en mørkere hudfarge og hår som også er mørkt.
Hoova-mennesket kan også snakke akkustisk eller vokalt.
- De lever opptil en halv mill. jordår. Våre jordår går meget
sakte på grunn av tettheten her sier de.
- Hoovamenneskene finnes i begge kjønn på samme måten som de fra
ALTEA - som kom hit samtidig med Sumeererne.
Altea sivilisasjonen
- Også en av de 24 - tjuefire - 50 mill. lysår borte - altså
utenfor melkeveigalaksen
- Brukes av de 24 eldste til kommunikasjon med Jorden, og de
frembragte teknologien til dette
- Var ledende på Atlantis, og jordmennesket ble også sådd fra Altea
(kan tyde på at de er fra Andromedagalaksen?- iallefall sies det i
Semjase-stoffet at den pleiadisk-lyranske slekt har sin fjerne fortid
i Andromeda-galaksen. rø-anm)
- Når de materialiserer seg på Jorden har de en lik kropp som
jordmennesket - men de gløder på en måte av en aura av sølvglans
- De har ikke hår og er lyse, sølvglinsende i huden
- De kommuniserer telepatisk, men kan også snakke via en
computer/boks som omgjør tankene til ord og lyder
- De er dobbeltpolede med balanse mellom feminin/maskulin.
- Har høyde som jordmennesker, blå øyne, lys hud
- Mange herfra har levd på Jorden i fortiden. De vil nå hjelpe
Jorden, og de arbeider med det mentale/tankemessige her
- Egypt ble "født" ut av Altea.
- Pyramidene ble bygget som et samarbeide mellom Hoova, Ashan,
Altea, og Myrex.
Menneskets forvandling
- Mennesket må frigjøre seg fra grådighet
- Problemet er menneskets begrensede, "fysiske"
- Jorden er "tettest" av det fysiske stoff - dvs. et
effektivt lærested
- Det var "kosmiske gartnere" som sådde denne Jorden
- Jorden er den planet med mest variasjon av dyre- og plantearter
- Jordmennesket vil ødelegge seg selv om den ikke får hjelp (s 39)
- Er i alt og alle
- Er kjærlighet - forenet kjærlighet og uendelig intelligens
- Er alt som finnes eller ER
- Feiler aldri (s15)
- Helheten er ETT, men ikke alle delene av helheten erfarer det samme
- Alle skaper I GUD - der vi skaper med eller for (i) "ham"
og "han" skaper for eller i oss.
- Mange har brukt religionene for å få kontroll over andre.
Ashan sivilisasjonen
- Ser ikke ut som jordmennesket
- Er veldig kreative og store kunstnere kommer herfra
- Boken antyder at skandinavere kommer fra Ashan
Andre Besøkende (mer)
- "Zeneelers" ser ikke ut som jordmennesket - er
alkymisten av de besøkende
- delfinene var med på destruksjonen av Atlantis som jordmennesker,
men velger nå å være i delfinkropper for å gjøre et
energiarbeide uten å skade kloden slik som jordmennesker gjør - de
vokter Jorden mot ødeleggelser innenfra og utenfra
- de mørke krefter (s 79): ord har makt, kraft - derfor bør man
unngå banning - ord som "satan". De mørke krefter er fra
NEGATIVE, destruktive, ubalanserte sivilisasjoner som virker gjennom
vesener som ønsker makt, kontroll, grådighet (s 81)
- = Motkrefter mot lyset
- Jordens regjeringer har nektet å tro at det finnes høyere utviklet
intelligens og høyere åndelige sivilisasjoner og de har nektet og
videregi den informasjon som de i hemmelighet har fått om dette
videre til folket (s38)
- Derfor vil det oppstå panikk ved landinger, dersom dette skulle bli
nødvendig med hjelp til Jorden
- Det finnes bestemte sivilisasjoner utenfor de 24 som er her av
selviske formål - de vil kontrollere jordmennesket og holde dem i
uvitenhet (s39)
- ISRAEL: inntil Israel kommer til indre fred kan ikke Jorden komme
til et gjennombrudd!
The Only Planet of Choice
Gene Roddenberry And The Council of Nine
"In a way, The Enterprise and the optimistic future in which it
exists might be thought of as a reminder of what we can achieve when we
- Gene Roddenberry, 1991
It is documented in "The Only Planet of Choice", compiled by
Phyllis V. Schlemmer and Palden Jenkins (Bath, England: Gateway Books,
1993), that Gene Roddenberry attended channelling sessions led by Ms.
Schlemmer and "Tom" of the "Council of Nine"
"Council of Nine: Tribunal Teachers governing our immediate
super-galactic and galactic region, subject to change in evolving 'new
programs' of the Father's kingdom.). It has been alluded to from other
sources that Roddenberry had been a Commander or received his
inspiration from sitting in on channelling sessions."
(The Book of Knowledge:The Keys of Enoch (Los Gatos, CA: The Academy for Future Sciences, 1977)
HERE a video from 2021 where they talk about meeting with the 'NINE', as this book is about:
the person up is telling about her visit to this group. Alt link if inbuilt window here not playing video. And her here
The following is an exerpt from
The Only Planet of Choice
(p. 95-99):
Gene: There's a question that I cannot avoid asking: why do you
not give strong and definite signs of your existence or proximity, on
top of approaching humanity by indirect means such as these channelings,
or other ways? Obviously, you have your reasons, but this question does
matter to me.
Tom: It is of great importance for you to understand that your
governments of your world of Earth have refused to publicly believe, or
convey to the people, our existence. If there were an attempt by
civilisations to land upon Planet Earth in a mass situation, which in
truth will come to pass in the course of time, the people upon Planet
Earth would panic, for they have not the understanding, the knowledge,
that we would mean no harm tothem.......
...It is important that there is no panic amongst those that
exist on the Planet Earth: that the knowledge be brought to them in
gentleness, that those of the Twenty-Four civilisations mean no harm to
them. This is of great importance, for if there were panic, humans may
then attempt to end their own life, and also the lives of their families
and neighbors, which would not serve any purpose. The governments of
your world have refused to accept publicity that there are others of a
higher intelligence , and in truth of a more spiritual intelligence than
those that exist upon the planet Earth.
We need to convey to the people that there are others that mean
them no harm, but have an interest in saving Planet Earth....We do not
come to control, we do not come to hold in bondage, we will come with
love and patience and understanding - but since there is the denial of
our existence, how can those of Planet Earth accept that the
civilisations of Altea, Hoova, Ashan, and the rest of the Twenty-Four
mean well?
Gene: I have another question that I think people will wonder
about: on previous tapes of your conversations I heard you explain that
you constantly know the thoughts of either all of us or those who
communicate with you, am I correct in this assumption?
Tom: If we have the wish to help you, yes. But we wish you to
understand that we do not invade the mind, we do not control the will,
we do not interfere with freedom: we do not interfere. It would not be
of service......they may have the abilities within them, but it would
not benefit Planet Earth to use them - nor would it benefit them. That
would be an invasion of a soul.
Gene: I have been most impressed by the communications, the
expressions and atmosphere that surround all the people here, but I do
have some difficulties in understanding why, if you are in the minds of
humans at times, and your representatives have visited Earth, and you
have a knowledge of human affairs.... I find it difficult to understand
how you have difficulty speaking with us, and understanding our basic
colloquial English? Could you help me with that?
Tom: We will explain that. The Civilisations have indeed visited
Earth, but do you understand that when you have communication with your
mind, it is not necessary to have words? It is difficult from where we
are to give explanations in your words. We have concepts that cannot be
explained in your language, for you do not have the words to
If you could read our mind...if we could communicate with your
mind in the essence of pure telepathy, then we could convey to you what
we are trying to transmit....
Gene: Thank you. You mentioned that at some stage there might be
a large-scale landing of the civilisations. I think the next questions
involve who and where, how and why; the first such question most people
would ask is 'how?' In other words what method of transportation would
be used in such a landing: are we referring to physical vehicles?
Tom: Yes. They would be in the nature of a physical vehicle. If
you have the desire to go and touch it, as you have with an automobile,
you would be able to touch it.
Gene: Can you tell me anything about the relative size and shape
and so on? Will they hold a large number of people, or....
Tom: There would be vehicles of different sizes and different
designs. There would be some with the appearence of a glass top, but it
is not in truth a top, it will just have an appearence... There will
also be those that will remain in your atmosphere that are very large,
that will then send our smaller ones... you have, upon your oceans,
carriers that send out ships that fly, is that not so?
Gene: That is correct.
Tom: It would be similar, but instead of being upon your oceans, it will be in your sky.
Gene: You're saying that smaller craft will exit and come down to Earth from this carrier craft?
Tom: Yes. There will also be those that have the appearance of
what you call saucers. There will be those that are pointed, as with a
Gene: Will these vehicles pass through the time dimension, or another dimension in order to arrive here at Earth?
Tom: The intelligences that exist in the civilisations have the
ability to come into your dimension - they have the technology,
Gene: A very common Earth question would be how these vehicles are powered? By what method?
Tom: It resembles the reversal of a spinning top.
Gene: Would these vehicles remain on Earth after such a landing, and would humans be permitted to inspect them?
Tom: They would have permission to visit the interior. The craft
woudl remain for a period of time. Not a great length of time - not for
years, for example.
Gene: Because of many stories we have of flying saucers, people
will be intersted to know if humans would be permitted to travel in any
of these vehicles?
Tom: It would be necessary, before they could travel in a vehicle, to have a vehicle around them.
Gene: Does this mean that the atmosphere within your vehicles
will be different, or that the stress of the movement would be
Tom: The stress of the movement. It would be possible to move
within your Earth atmosphere, but to take them out would require another
vehicle inside a vehicle, but it could be done.
Gene: Landings would undoubtedly be judged by humans and
governments in a variety of ways, which includes the almost certianty
that some would view your landings as a threat. Do you have a method of
defending yourself from attack?
Tom? We wish you to know that we are talking about
civilisations, not us, the Council of Nine. We do not need to manifest
in the physical.
There would be a method to stop people from attempting to
destroy those of the civilisations. It would be done in love and
gentleness. Those of the civilisations that are in service to us will
not attempt to destroy, nore harm in any manner, any physical being on
Planet Earth. We will have a way of preventing them from attempting to
destroy us. But we would wish not to come without giving some prior
knowledge, for otherwise people would begin to believe that we would
seek to control them. We have not the desire nor the need to control we
come only to benefit.
If an Altean were to appear at an entrance of his vehicle, and
were stepping onto Planet Earth, and if there were a group that
attempted to destroy that Altean, he has only to hold out his hand in an
upright manner, and not in great extension, to bring calmness, and also
to render them into a state in which they would not have the desire to
harm, and would put down their weapons. Hoovids would operate in a
different manner: if they were in the same situation, and they cam out
and raised their arms, those humans with weapons would become totally
stationary for a period of time.
So there are different methods. But none of these methods would harm a physical being. Do you understand?
Gene: Yes, I understand, and I certainly understand why you
would not want to land showing force, because this would create great
MORE Excerpted from:
The Only Planet of Choice
The Council of Nine represented by Tom
via Phyllis Schlemmer
Tom: You may tell what has been told to humans many times, but
was not given to them in clear understanding: that the purpose of their
existence and the purpose of their living is to return to whence they
came... If they would treat all as they have desire to be treated. If
they would walk in dignity and permit no one to remove their dignity,
and if they would have love for all their fellow humans, and for all
those that touch them—for this in turn sends love to us. We ask not that
they have a total understanding of us.
Tom: Accept that you have a part to play in bringing it to
fulfillment. You have no limitation. Your limits and boundaries are
created only by your fears. This does not mean that you should climb a
thousand meter mountain and then plunge off it. It means that you must
have practical application of understanding of yourself, in truth. It
means that you must begin to extend yourself in the capacities of your
mind and thoughts. Your physical bodies have limitations upon this
physical planet, but your minds and thoughts can expand and grow, touch
all corners of the Universe. And when it understands the truth of self,
it can relieve the burdens of this physical world that have held it in
bondage. You humans are a kaleidoscope, and will appear at times
confused—yet with one turn you can become elements of beauty and purity,
and with that you may travel the spheres of the Universe.
Tom: Understand that you are not an island alone, that you are
part of a whole—and when I say this to you, I refer to all that are in
service. Those that have desire to be alone and perform a service
according to their own dictates, within themselves, are in truth not in
service. To be in service is to give oneself for the love of the
Universe and for the love of their fellow humans. It is also important
to remember that, if you begin to become trapped in looking within
yourself, to have total understanding of yourself, that is also a form
of ego. It is time to put aside yourself and go forward. We speak to
all. It is the only way and the only form in which the Universe can
evolve. We have no objection if looking within themselves can in truth
benefit people, and they may then make a step forward, but to sit in a
circle and look within, and constantly ask, "What about me?" and, "See
what I have done" then they in truth are not prepared for service. When
you can let go of "What about me?" and ask what can be done for the
betterment of the Universe, and have the willingness to let go of ego,
desires and self-pity, then what you have been trying to find within
yourself will be shown in great clarity. The Council says that I should
say this to you: the Others, if they can keep those that have desire to
serve in a tight circle, and looking within at all times, then in truth
they have succeeded, have they not?
Tom: You have within you, each of you, the ability to change the
Planet, but you must begin within yourself, by loving yourself. You can
only love yourself by respecting yourself. Respecting yourself means
removing from yourself all those areas that you disrespect in others. It
also means removing all those hidden things that you disrespect in
yourself. When you humans can walk with your head high, when you can
look upon yourself and say, "Yes, I may live with myself, I may live
with my thoughts, for my thoughts are pure and my thoughts are love; so
therefore, I love myself." Then we give you our promise, Earth will
begin to move forward rapidly, in a way that you had never envisioned.
You have chosen to serve, and that service is not just to us, it is to
all that exist upon Earth and in the spheres of the spirit. Begin to
serve by loving yourself. Remove contamination from your physical-ness,
remove contamination from your mind and heart and permit your soul to
show you the way.
Tom: If you have the wish to cultivate perfection, we will teach
you how perfection is attained on your physical planet. There is, but
one law of perfection—there are no complexities, it is a very simple
law: treat each and every soul, every animal, and every plant, as you
would wish them to treat you. In that way you grow to perfection. That
is the golden law. It is a law of the Universe.
Tom: There is a great necessity to accelerate, for the oceans of
Planet Earth, the trees and forests, the skies and atmospheres, the
very essence of breathing, the life-force, have reached a level of
contamination bringing the downward destruction of Earth. We call upon
your energies and commitment for alerting the peoples of this Planet,
the governments of Earth and the communities of Earth. The innermost
core of humankind is beginning to grow and to glow. The essence and
understanding of their beginnings is awakening, to bring about change.
You are part of that change. You are children of that change; you are
responsible for that change. Without your commitment to acceleration, if
the change were to come in its own time, without your input, then the
planet would be in a situation in which most of humankind could not
exist. Accept your ability to create the pattern that brings about
understanding and the truth of who you are.
Tom: The time has come for the people of the Earth to demand
from their governments, to demand from their religious leaders, to
demand from their teachers, knowledge and understanding of what is truly
happening. It is now the time of the people.
Tom: Beforehand your governments and your religions and society
kept your masses in ignorance and kept humankind tied down. Acceleration
will cause those in your world to demand answers from their scientific
community, and their authorities. But the way to reach people, we have
finally decided, is through their own physical body and the healing of
their physical body. Many people will be healed and many people will
become open to healing. It is through healing that the consciousness of
the wider Universe will be raised. It is important for humankind to know
that it must begin to take responsibility for Earth, and that science
must begin to understand that it does not hold within it the power to
dictate to the rest of humankind, but it is only a portion of humankind.
In its elitism, science has discarded the other echelons of humankind.
Science has become the religion that manipulates and controls, and those
who lead science must now begin to accept their responsibility.
Tom: There needs to be an arousal within those peoples to
understand that they must take a hold, and move in forwardness to stop
their governments from doing what they have permitted them to do in the
past. It is a time that people must now take control.
Tom: It is a sad time for the world because, as in past times
and in emotional times, the physical beings of this Planet blame all
others except themselves for their problems—which are in truth caused by
themselves. It is as if in order to exonerate themselves they would
cause a blemish upon another, and they would throw them into a pit of
snakes. They will, in fact, be ashamed at another time, but that has
been the history of Earth. We cannot have that in the future, or at this
time. It is a time for each individual, each nation, to stop and to
respond, and to realize that it is within them that the blame lies, not
with others. How can the nations exist in peace when the people do not
exist in peace within
Tom: The difficulty is that when these things become the most
important, when the appearance, or the price is the most important, when
the owning is the most important, and when growing bigger and bigger
with more possessions is the most important, when it is thought that
presentation of possession means success—that is a shell that has
insecurity, do you understand? Like a lobster—a lobster has firm flesh,
and there are times when it is soft and is not edible. Mushy. We now
speak of humankind, which presents itself like a beautiful lobster, but
is mush inside. It is bitter to taste, not edible, and it can actually
poison you.
Tom: All people have potential. If you take a jar of oil and try
to take it in, it does not taste pleasant, and you may take a jar of
vinegar alone and it is not pleasant, but if you mix the two together,
and then you take it in, it tastes refined. This is what you must
understand about those with whom you work. If you remove yourself from
the physical world, then you have no temptation, no anger, no joy, no
love. And by removing from the world, you can easily master those things
because there is no temptation, no touching of other beings. You cannot
transfer your beliefs or feelings to another—you can only plant a seed.
And you cannot condemn others for the manner in which they live—you can
only attempt to show them. Without being the highest example, they will
not listen. Be gentle with people and drop a seed, and we will handle
the rest.
Tom: There is not one soul on your planet that cannot be saved,
if in truth it was handled properly with stability, maturity and love.
It is important to have love, and it is important to give love and to
share love, and it is also important to realize that you are not a
perfect being, neither is anyone, but each of you has within you
qualities that, blended with the qualities of others, make a perfect
being. It is important to bring the mind together with the spirit and
the emotions, to bring them into a complete whole being. It is important
that each of you be a battery for that to happen for other humans also.
Know this: at times the battery just needs to be, do you understand?
This lifetime is the most important that you have ever chosen. Those of
the past were past experiences for preparation for this one.
Tom: Ingrained ideas are difficult to remove, are they not? For
they make worms in the brain, and they nest in there, and they make eggs
and siblings in there, yes? Therefore, there are people of wormy
mind-ness, yes!
Tom: It creates a great difficulty in future. There is on your
Planet Earth the illusion that, if they are permitted to play out that
aggression by attacking each other, then it removes aggression. That is
not true—it creates more. You are the guardians of your youth, you must
speak. Create ways and means through motion and exercise, and in
creating games that have two aims: competitive with others and
competitive with self. Create new ways and new means, and involve
humankind's youth, and organize parents against weaponry. When you force
those who create weaponry to not create business through it, another
means will be found. You must understand the energies that are created
with weaponry, yes. You may be forced by the group pressure of youth, to
give in.
Tom: A oneness is a oneness. If it is an identifiable structure
to bring forth to those in your vicinity, to show to them that there is
solidarity and oneness, marriage has value. However, many pairs of
people are one, without a legal contract, and at this time they tend to
be more at one in their hearts than those who are bound by
Tom: If each person, together with others, in each family, group
and community, thinks of others with love, with devotion, with the wish
for goodness for each other, that is your protection—for then that
energy becomes like a ball, as all energy that is collective becomes a
ball, that is your protection from negative influence. You are a circle
of light—we observe, we see your motive. Your motivation is your
protection always,
Tom: There is within you—which there is in all upon Planet
Earth, in different degrees—an amount of negativity. Let us say that if
you had a black spot of negativity on the all-white of purity, and then
you permitted it to grow, such that the white deteriorated, if you
looked at the spot as being negativity within you, and accepted it, and
permitted it to be dispersed with recognition, and if you thereby came
to know your fears, this would be useful negativity. But if it grew out
of proportion to your fear, then the Others are attempting to unbalance
If you are aware of this, remember this: you have a
greater power because you are in a physical existence, but also if you
are consciously connected with us, you have an even greater power. When
you come into knowledge, wisdom and truth, when all that is in the
Universe is slowly beginning to be revealed, then those that desire to
control Earth, in order to control the Universe, begin to create great
difficulty for you. Coming into knowledge and truth does not make your
path easier. Remember this: to be in service is to pay for that service.
For in truth, there are those that would like to remove your awareness
and your knowledge. Respect them, do not laugh at them, but be firm in
your faith, and they cannot deter you, nor harm you. If they create
difficulty for you, then, with your mind, see yourself being swept from
the ground to your head with our love, our light, and our joy in you. Do
not hesitate to ask for help. Do not proudly do all by yourself. We
cannot help if you do not ask.
We do not interfere in your free will. But even with all
our love for those that are in service to us, and for the sake of all
the souls upon Planet Earth, without your asking we cannot help. Be not
as proud as Planet Earth has been, for much of its existence, acting
independently and wishing to do so on its own. It is in togetherness
that the Planet Earth will come out of its bondage—togetherness with us,
the civilizations in service and the souls in service upon Planet
Tom: In your world each of those that you have mentioned are
applicable. There are some, because of their surrounding environmental
state of awareness, or the technology within your world, that have
created great misfortune. None in this time-period in reality chooses to
suffer: It is brought about by the wrong thinking of those in control
of others. There is, but a small minority that choose to suffer to teach
Tom: Know fully that you hold the key within yourself, each of
you humans, to bring about change. It is your responsibility, your free
will, and your choice.
What is of great importance for humankind to know is that in all
the Universe, Earth is the only planet of free will and choice. This
does not mean that other worlds of existence, on other planets of
physical-ness, there is always a control. What it means is that on other
planes of existence one may choose a physical expression in a
collective consciousness in agreement. All souls in the Universe must
experience this planet Earth at least once in order to learn of this
balance between the physical and non-physical—what you would term the
"spiritual." Planet Earth is for that purpose; therefore, the importance
of bringing yourself into balance on Earth is vital.
Tom: Understand this: the importance of exercise. As a physical
body ages, if it does not continue in movement and exercise, then it
becomes limited in its movement. That also then begins to affect the
mind, for the mind then becomes limited in its expansion. All things are
interconnected. Therefore, it is important for those peoples who are
moving into the age of forwardness to maintain physical exercise and to
develop exercises to keep the body in mobility. Otherwise portions of
the body become locked in iron stiffness, which lock portions of the
mind. It is important to know the value of order within, of formulation
within, patience within, and the value of balance
Tom: Balance is important, to experience your physical Planet
and to experience the Universe. An example: If you consume your food in
great impatience and in great haste, it is not chewed properly enough
for your digestive juices to be activated to digest it properly, for it
to be free to go through your system. If you consume it in haste, in a
gobble, without proper attitude and releasing of digestive juices, it
will cause you to have difficulty in your physical body. It will poison
you. We are using this as an example, for patience should be in all
phases of your existence. In patience you will see the nature of the
Universe, you will digest it and not lose it. You will grow with it, and
you will appreciate the beauty of it. It will stay with you in joy. Do
not be like those that are in great haste. Move in gentleness. It is
important for the evolution of Planet Earth. Teach yourself
Tom: Express yourself in words of love and words of joy, for
that makes the Universe happy—for when there is happiness, joy and
laughter in the Universe, it is a time of great celebration. This is
what Planet Earth must do: humankind must not take itself so seriously!
It must begin to experience within itself the joy of its divinity, the
joy of its oneness with the Universe. It must pull itself out of this
bondage; it must stop living in a situation of victim-hood. We have
never asked for victims or sacrifice, but humankind, in its guilt,
creates its victim-hood, for it knows that it has passed and has crossed
that valley that it should not have crossed, and now, together with
all, we are bringing it back across the valley for it to be one with the
Universe. We love you, we will walk with you, and we will be with
Limit not yourself, any of you humans.... We have been
in observation, and the sadness that we feel is because there is so much
difficulty in the mode of which you communicate. We have observed that
what you speak is not what you think. It is tragic that your mode of
communication is used in the manner, but the day will come when what is
in the mind of one will be directly understood by another because then
no one upon your Planet Earth will be able to speak in a manner that is
not truth.... This also is important: how a word is used releases energy
into the Universe, how a word is dignified releases energy into the
Universe. The sadness of humankind is that they banter this and they
banter that, and they do not understand that what they banter creates a
difficulty for the Universe, for it dissipates energy.... In your world
humankind does not hear what is said; so therefore, listening is of
great import.
Tom: Most important, upon your rising and your retiring, you
need to cleanse yourself, mind, and body, and spirit, of those energies
that may have touched you and attached themselves to you. And if it is
not possible to be in an area where water is available for cleansing
completely, then visualize yourself standing under a fountain of water,
and then in your state of purity, and when you have the real water or
the imaginary water, visualize that all negativity from yourself is
being released and cleansed, and that your purity of spirit remains....
Then go forth and do your daily work, knowing that your heart has the
utmost pure motive, and does not seek ego-recognition for self, but
quietly desires peace on Earth and goodness for those you are in contact
with. You will then emanate such energies outward from yourself, in a
Know also that, throughout the day, other energies will attach
to your energies, which will shorten the span of expansion of your
energies. You may then repeat the process of cleansing your body, mind
and spirit, by showering with water or cleansing through a tree, and
begin again. And silence is the word, for to speak too much shortens the
expansion. In other words, go quietly with peace and love.
Tom: There are those who do not comprehend, neither wish to know; do not waste your time.
Tom: For some, it is of great importance, for others it is not
that important, for it is as if they had the internal knowing, and they
step in another direction. But for some, knowing their historical
background then gives an insight into the personality of this
Tom: Know this: that most of the illnesses upon this Planet
are brought about by the peoples of Earth in their error of thinking,
their foods, their pollution of lands and waters, by contamination from
ingestation, by those who make business at the expense of
humankind. There is a portion created by stress of emotion, there is
another portion created by stress involved in pleasing others, we speak
now of youth. There is also a portion created by conditioning in the
brain during the time of youth, but the greatest portion is created out
of Planet Earth, I will explain: humankind was meant to be born to live a
full, fruitful, healthy, non-diseased life, and in the passing of the
physical body, not to have aging or suffering as now exist, but to pass
on quietly in sleep, after a good portion of a hundred years. It is
always in the last years that knowledge and wisdom are brought together.
But humankind has lost that for many reasons: those that we have spoken
of, and also it has become a collective thought that all must be ill
and aging. It is difficult to override
Tom: It is not possible to go it alone. The problem in the
thinking of the New Age is that, "if you think something away, it will
go away." Therefore, it invalidates others for whom it did not go away.
What it then implies is that you are not pure enough, your thinking is
not clean enough, you do not have the techniques. This is in great
error, and instead of supporting, enlightening and being joyful, it
brings about more guilt. It also is an example of the belief, that if
you have knowledge of the mind, you can overcome all
Tom: Those that come and say they are the Nazarene or the
Messiah, are not the true Messiah. As we have explained before, when
they call themselves masters, they are not masters.
Tom: You cannot pay your way to us, and someone should have informed humanity. We do not need your 10%.
Tom: We wish for you to know that there will be no extinguishing
of a life that has a right to live; the Universe governs this. When we
say a right to live, we mean a soul that chose to come back to serve, or
chose to come for the lesson that it needs. Those that are stopped
before their birth, in the great majority, are willful spirits that need
a longer time to exist in the before-birth state, before their
returning to a physical
existence. Most of them also should be born in other
You have used a term of "kill"—it is not correct. It is a
very serious problem upon Planet Earth because your religions have made
it a serious problem in order to control people. We say this to you: a
soul that is meant to be born in its proper method will not be
extinguished. Those that should not be, in some manner will be not
brought forth. There is no death before there is life in the physical
What is murder in your world? It is the extinguishing of
a life that has not yet served its full purpose in the physical#151;it
is not a removal of life, but it is a complication of the process of
evolution on Earth. But in reality there is no death. It is wrong to
extinguish a life that has not fulfilled its purpose. We mean one that
has been brought forth fully to the Planet Earth—it has been born. Altea
has said that, if you want a term, it would be not be past three and a
half of your months. For up to that time the soul has no memory of its
being in a cocoon of the womb. Therefore, it does not get hurt
Tom: There are those amongst you that have great joy for Earth,
and there are those who do not have, who relate in discomfort to the
Planet. It is time for humankind to understand that Earth was created to
be the true paradise, and for that purpose the variety and beauty were
created, for experiencing your physical with the spiritual aspects of
Tom: There is only one way [to understand this], and that is the
acceptance that it is only physical demise that takes place. The soul,
spirit, mind, and emotion energy continue to exist. If they understood
this when they make the transition from physical to spirit, they would
not be in shock-state and sleep-state at the
Tom: We will give to you an example. If you concentrate on what
you wish to remember, to remember things in both your conscious and your
subconscious, concentrate for thirty-six seconds, and it will not be
erased from your memory. It may be brought forward from your
subconscious. If you wish to erase what is undesirable within your mind,
or your subconscious, or a thought that has been placed in your mind,
or a personality difficulty that you are trying to eliminate, if you
will concentrate for thirty-six of your seconds it is cancelled within
your mind. If you think for thirty-six of your seconds that you are ill,
you will become ill, if you think for thirty-six of your seconds that
you are healthy, you will begin the way to
Tom: And just as humankind creates habitual methods of living
identity, it is necessary to attempt to remove the habitual nature and
to replace them with the divine being that you are. This acceptance of
the divinity within you is a beginning. Do not blame yourself when you
have erred, but make a position to not repeat it. Always function from
the center of your being, in integrity. What is important is to attain a
state of being in which you cannot view yourself with dislike. Also, it
is important that honesty is functional... find a method of
communication and behavior that is consistent with your integrity, and
with wisdom. That is difficult, is it not?
Tom: It is very simple: behave only in a manner that you may
love yourself for; behave only in a manner in which you would wish
another to do toward you; do no movement, thought, or thing that you in
your soul, in your consciousness, cannot have self-respect for. When
that begins, then all will change. All will change also when people
accept that also those that live elsewhere in the Universe are available
to give to you love and understanding. All will change when people
understand the energies
Tom: We have related in many of communications, we will continue
to relate to you, there are many civilizations that have communication
with humans on Earth in which that would be a consideration. We will use
a term that is not a term that we like, but perhaps it would give to
you understanding. There are those that are in a higher echelon, and
those in a lower echelon. We communicate not through any, but that of
our Being. Only if our Being is returned to us, would there be a
decision to communicate through another. In the civilizations that
create great chaos within many, they are giving their point of view of
In relationship to catastrophes, we will not permit catastrophes
to completely remove souls from the Earth. What we are attempting to
say to you is that those that communicate in the strictness of
negativity are in a realm that is using their emotion, their drama; it
is not of the purest. Do you understand what we are saying?...
Tom: By their knowledge, by their benefit to Earth, you will
have the understanding. We have explained that there are those
civilizations that could create difficulty, but that their power cannot
sustain. Within your ear, within your heart, within your mind, if it
feels not right in the essence in which they convey to you, we give to
you our assurance, it is not right.
The Nine also warned us that Civilizations that did not have the
best interests of Planet Earth at heart could exploit the weaknesses of
some channels.
Tom: There are two ways in which your channels can receive and
get into problems in your physical world; One would be when the channel
is weakened, either by lack of rest or illness. The other will be when
the channel is willing to be used negatively because of the desire for
power. Our Being was not a willing channel for negativity....
You must be extremely careful with whom you deal. And, when I
speak of this, I mean contacts that you make with sources from other
civilizations or the spirit realms. Not always are such contacts valid,
true and honest. Because a contact is made, it does not mean it is a
true contact. When I say this, I mean a contact that says it is working
for us.
JOHN: Be careful because there are all degrees of spirits. Is that what you're trying to say?
Tom: This is correct. And we are not a spirit, and this is what
we speak of. We do not wish to be involved with the spirits. The spirits
are those who have passed on in this world and are hanging around this
planet Earth. We are not spirits. Spirits of your world that are in the
atmosphere and around the bands of your world, are as confused as the
physical beings on Earth. There are those that are evolved, but most are
not. We are not spirits. We are trying to save the Earth, so that these
spirit beings also may be released and be evolved. Be careful whence
you work. Remember this: most of the groups and most of the
organizations using channeling are working with the spirits. As I said
there are those that are evolved, but there are those that are also
confused. When they left Earth, they also took their desires with them,
and one of the desires that manifests on Earth is the desire to control.
Tom: First and foremost we explain in this manner: as there are
corporation heads, one of which knows all, and different divisions
underneath which know the area of expertise of their department, it is
the same in the realm of communication from those who exist in other
realms. A few sources know all of the picture, and many know parts of
it. But be careful when they make you glorious—always challenge, look
for consistency, and never accept that that goes against your natural
inclination or your higher intuitive self. Be careful they do not feed
your ego in order to manipulate you, for there are also those who would
wish the destruction of Planet Earth. Do not fall into the trap that
Planet Earth will be destroyed...
Tom: The singular most important thing to know, which you have a
natural instinct for knowing, is the checking of your own internal
source. This you must convey to him. There are those who channel that
are not the best for humankind; however, there are those with great
intelligence upon your planet who accept all forms of channeling without
discrimination. It is important to continuously check yourself and
challenge also. It is permissible; in fact, it is important that there
be questioning.
There are many channels that in their hearts believe they are
doing the things that are correct, when they are simply being tools of
the negative, you understand? If they can understand that this is
possible—even though they may not accept it, then those that go and
utilize this can be brought out. The singular most important thing that
may come forth is that you must check your inner source.
You know that all humankind, no matter what environment brought
them forth or what education fulfilled them; have an internal check on
the balance
Tom: Apocalyptic prophecies are not necessary to be fulfilled,
if those that exist upon Planet Earth have awareness and understanding.
But also what is in prophecies—such as the Book of Revelations—may only
be modified by the souls that exist upon the Planet Earth. Remember
this: without meditation, without love for humanity, without prayers,
without love for Planet Earth, there could be many serious catastrophes.
But with prayer and love, it is possible to release the pressure.
When the time of decision on Planet Earth comes, all the
Universe will be working in conjunction with humanity to release the
pressures upon Planet Earth. But if within you humans, and we speak to
you all, if you generate great fear, then this negates part of that
which the civilizations are trying to do—to prevent catastrophe. It is
possible to prevent catastrophe completely, and we would hope that could
be done. But there is a possibility that catastrophe will not be
negated totally. For there are those that oppose you, that are
functioning to control the Planet Earth... If humanity causes its own
extinction, then billions of souls are trapped within the Earth spheres
for millions upon millions of your years. The bottlenecking has already
stopped the growth of the Universe. It is necessary for the
civilizations to have an influence, for there is not time for humanity
to come to a solution within itself, alone without help. So the
civilizations come with great love to help people upon Planet Earth. To
help them help
Tom: We will attempt to explain it in this manner: we are
sitting upon a mountain
-- visualize this within your mind. When we sit upon this
mountain, we have a view of the entirety of Earth. Underneath us sit
other mountains which you cannot see through with your eyes for you are
in a physical-ness. We could view what is behind us, that which you call
the past, as complete. We can remember what it was like on the other
side of the mountains in the past.
In front of us, we can see other mountains, but we
cannot see behind them, only over and between them. And when you come
down from the mountain, to go into the future, you cannot see over the
whole landscape. As you come around a mountain, you will find several
roads or tracks, each leading into the future. If there are blockages in
all, but one of the paths, then there is only one path to take. But if
you know how to remove a blockage, you may then take another path. And
you will have greater choice.
There is never just one future. There are several choices of future.
This is involving your will. If we know what is the future, then that
means that we in truth have become involved, and have manipulated your
free will. It is not for us to be involved with your free will, or with
manipulation. We see many futures.
As an example, we will use your country (Britain). If
before your World War [1939-45], your Churchill had not been in stable
health or had been assassinated, then the future of your nation in the
end may have been mostly accomplished, but not in the same manner.
And it could have completely changed the future of your
country. If it had not proceeded as it had, there could have been a big
difference. We understand that this is not a satisfactory answer in an
explanation, but we know not a way to explain. We are not pre-ordaining
your future... When there was prediction, people took it as a definite
reason to be out of their responsibility. It was an error that we made
also, for humans hold destiny in their hands. What was not understood by
humankind was that prediction was made to have man change his way. If
he did not change, then the prediction would come into being. We cannot
reiterate that point enough. We wish that to be impressed upon
humankind's mind, for it is the beginning of humankind's understanding
that they hold the key, they are responsible, and they make the change.
All quotes taken from The Only Planet of Choice by Phyllis Schlemmer
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